Number Plate Search | DVLA Registrations | Personalised Number Plate | DVLA Numbers

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Number Plate Search
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Number Plate Search Options

Dateless Number Plates

Dateless number plates are the original format for uk vehicles and they can be assigned to any year of vehicle which is the reason why they are referred to as dateless registrations. The first registration marks issued to cars were of a dateless format comprising one letter and one number with the letter preceeding the number. Since 1904 all cars and engine driven vehicles within the UK have had to display number plates as a unique identifier for the vehicle.

Vehicle registration numbers have been assigned to all road going motorised vehicles since the 1st January 1904.The Motor Car Act of 1903 required all vehicles to be registered with local authorities and for all vehicles to clearly display number plates to a regulation size.

Dateless numbers can be irish and these are issued to vehicles in Northern Irelend at no cost to the vehicle owner. Combinations such as CAZ, BAZ, JAZ, JIL are attractive name plates and these numbers are an effective way of personalising your vehicle whilst also hiding the age of your vehicle.

Prefix Number Plates

Prefix Number Plates were first issued in 1983 and the basis for the format was for the year indicator to be a letter at the start of the sequence of numbers and letters. The combination of letters and numbers are probably the most popular amongst the general public as they represent excellent value and are deemed within the industry to be a sound investment for the future

Prefix numbers are attractive because they allow you to personalise your vehicle at a minimum cost with many available as un-issued registrations. If you are looking to replicate your initials and you want to personalise your car then these numbers offer great value.

A significant number of prefix plates are un-issued registrations and this makes them attractive because they can be assigned to vehicles quickly.

New Style Number Plates

New Style Number Plates or current style registrations as they are sometimes known were introduced in 2001 in response to the prefix registrations running out of number and letter combinations. The new style formats are becoming popular as available combinations of prefix registrations reduce.

These numbers are attractive as they also allow you to personalise your vehicle at a low cost although they cannot be assigned to a prefix registered vehicle

The most popular combinations are priced at the lower end of the market with first and surname initials being used for the first two letters and the remaining three letters being the first, middle, and surname initials of the owner.

Suffix Number Plates

Suffix numbers were issued prior to the prefix series and there are some very attractive combinations which create names very effectively

These numbers have already been issued to vehicles and the majority are sold on a commission basis with owners looking for a reasonable return on their investment

We are able to supply suffix registration numbers at competitive prices due to our low rates of commission when selling on behalf of our clients

Number Plate Search

You can search for your ideal personalised number by using the prefix and new style seach buttons above or you can use our generic search field at the top of all our web pages to search for all types of number plates

All dateless, suffix, and irish numbers appear in our cherished number search results

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