The latest DVLA Auction held in April 2022 saw the top plate by value reach a hammer price of £61,010 which is a cash value of £78,337. The plate is either a SENGH name related plate or a SINGH name related plate. As most people know the number 3 is seen as the letter E in registration terms and it doesn’t really have a resemblance to the letter I. However, the plate 51 NGH sold at auction in 2006 with a hammer price of £201,000 and this may have been a pull factor in establishing the high price for 53 NGH. Yet again there are three Number 1 Dateless Plates in the Top 10 by value and these were topped by 1 NGX with a hammer price of £29,990 which is a value of £38,507. Second place in this auction was filled by a Toy plate in the shape of 8 TOY – no doubt destined for a super car. Three by one dateless single letter plates are continuing in popularity and this auction saw three of these formats in the Top 10 – by value. It would be fair to say that the biggest surprise was in the dateless number 2 VSS reaching its hammer price of £18,330 and reaching the last position in the Top 10.
Toy Story DVLA Auction